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Showing posts from March, 2019

Building and maintaining Drupal + CiviCRM application containers

In my previous two posts, I provided some background into why I decided on using containers for a boutique Drupal + CiviCRM hosting platform, and why Docker and its micro-services approach is a good choice for building and maintaining containers. Although I promised to talk about orchestration, that was getting ahead of the story - first I'm going to look at the challenge of keeping your application containers up-to-date with OS and application-level updates. There's a fair amount of work in that, but the tooling is mature and there is lots of good documentation. A great place to start is to visit the official Drupal docker hub page . From there, you can pull a working Drupal code container, and it gets re-built frequently with all the OS and Drupal-code updates, so you just refresh your containers whenever you want (i.e. whenever a security release comes out, or more often to stay up-to-date). A nice thing about that project is that it demonstrates a technique for mainta...