I'm about to go on vacation without my computer, so this is a bit of a catch-up kind of post. In the last 2 weeks, I helped launch four sites. You might think this would be the culmination of a lot of work for me, but in fact none of these sites were a lot of work for me - my role was more of the fixer, but not the prime mover. They were: 1. Toronto Workforce Innovation Group This was a project of Blackfly , the collaborative whole-site web development shop I've been working on since last fall. Most of the work of this site was done by my colleague Reema. It's a great showcase of how you can assemble some pretty standard parts, and with a minimum of coding, create a great looking, functional site that still reflects the complexity and specificity of an organization. She made good use of a theme from TopNotchThemes, and the interesting relationships between the "Challenges" section and the "Solutions" section was a nice text-book use of views/cck. ...